Deep Dental Cleaning In Dallas

What Is A Deep Dental Cleaning?

When gum disease strikes, seeking treatment that protects the teeth and gums from further deterioration is essential. Also known as scaling and root planing, dental deep cleaning is a simple method to improve oral health conditions after periodontal disease. It has been proven time and time again that regular scaling and root planing treatments can improve your oral health in just a few visits with your deep cleaning dentist. At Lakewood Dental Studio, Dr. Leisa Robotham understands the importance of protecting against potential long-term damage and improving gum health through scaling and root planing.

Teeth showing interior of a tooth

What To Expect At Your Scaling And Root Planing Session

The Importance of Scaling and Root Planing


Nothing can stop you after your teeth receive the treatment they deserve—bacteria and plaque won’t even stand a chance! After a dental deep cleaning, bacteria and plaque are less likely to stick to the smooth surfaces of the teeth, which provides added protection against gum disease and tooth decay.


After scaling and root planing, inflammation should soon disappear, yielding health benefits throughout the body.


Keeping your smile clean and healthy doesn't just keep you looking great. A well-executed dental deep cleaning helps gums stay firmly connected too! Smooth roots are the key to solid gum attachment.

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Did You Know…

Scaling and root planing are two different techniques. Often paired together, scaling refers to scraping away bacterial buildup, and root planing refers to smoothing the tooth root and reattaching the gums.


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Have Questions About Deep Dental Cleaning? Find Answers Here.

  • Is scaling and root planing worth it?

    Scaling and root planing help keep your teeth in tip-top shape and play a crucial role in preventing gum disease from worsening with time. If you start now, dental deep cleaning can save your smile by stopping mild cases of gum disease from progressing into more serious periodontal issues like loose or lost teeth!

  • Is dental deep cleaning painful?

    Don't stress! This procedure is made simple and comfortable with the help of a local anesthetic. You may experience some soreness afterward, but that discomfort will pass soon enough.

  • Is dental deep cleaning really necessary?

    Dental deep cleanings are not necessary for every patient. It is however, a necessary treatment for patients with periodontal disease, which is a severe gum infection that can damage the soft tissue and bone that support your teeth. 

curious dental patient

Did You Know…

That dental deep cleaning come with added benefits? Aside from treating periodontal disease and better wellness, your teeth might also have some added sparkle after removing stain-causing tartar.


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